Friday, March 12, 2010

NeilLife Blog

A guy by the name of Neil who deliberatly made and sold a viewer designed to steal content from hard working creators inside the Second Life virtual world has had his blog removed for multipal violations of copyright laws.

The last post neil made on his blog before it went down on him was to publish the BloodLines scripts.

It would appear Neil is now suffering a loss of blood from vital organs, resulting in his blog going down on him. Now Neils blog is as impedant as him!


  1. impedant ??? lol

    If you are going to make fun of someone, at least spell your insults correctly or it makes you look retarded.


  2. Your right! The spelling mistake makes Neil's epic blog fail seem like a win.

  3. "Hard working creators"? lol,yeah there must be some,but I can take you to hundreds of SL outlets that sell stuff ripped off from other people,they flaunt copyright laws,steal textures then take your money for something you never really own, cant make a backup of,cant pass to another avatar that you own etc........ If they werent so damn greedy there would be no need to copy stuff ! But LL turns a blind eye to all this,why? good old greed again !!!!

  4. idk why shes makin a big deal like she did something awsome, his blog went down becuase he took it down? and second of all, the fuss about his viwers?? um his viwers never couldnt copy scripts so it had nothing to do with her qhud, but i know who took it, i know how they did it and i think its funny :), u may have stoped neil for a lil while, but do you honeslty think that will stop anything that has been done already or that other that follwed neil? i think you opend a can of worms, but good luck i hope it works out for you
