Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I just have to have a rant about an issue which has become a hot topic in Australia. One of our not so enlightened politicians, the Dishonorable Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, said that virginity is ''the greatest gift you can give someone, the ultimate gift of giving''.

Caveman Tony Abbott thinks that my hymen is more important than my mind, personality, and feelings! He has reduced my worth as a human being down to a body part which I lost the first time I used a tampon.

This guy doesn't even practice what he preaches. If a woman's greatest gift to a relationship is sex, then why the hell did Caveman Tony Abbott cheat on his wife?

Caveman Tony Abbott obviously still values the double standard where men can have sex with lots of partners but women can only have sex with the man they married. I wonder who these men are meant to have sex with if the women are busy polishing their chastity belts.

My grandmother burned her bra to teach men that double standards are not acceptable. Caveman Tony Abbott should take note that women are far more direct these days. Someone might burn him instead!

I call on all women to boycott Caveman Tony Abbott’s bedroom. Don’t let the caveman breed!

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