Melbounre had its hottest night in 100 year on the 12th of January 2010. The tempreture didnt get below 30 degrees celsius at night, which it tipically the max tempreture for a summers day!
Lots of people like me went to the beach to cool off, and visited the beach side McDonnalds to get somthing cold to drink.
Apparently the demand for cold coke had reached such a level that the McDonnalds put the price up to $1218.25 for one large coke! (see photo of the drive though order display taken on my mobile phone on the night)
To be fair to McDonnalds the girl at the drive through window was as shocked as me when that price came up, and the manager did come to reset the price back to the correct amount.
It is funny that this happened on the hottest night in 100 years when buying a cold drink.
Lmao, must've been a glitch in the McD eBos system. I've seen it before. I called the manager and he asked the customer to be served by the next counter. xD