Monday, November 2, 2009

So having a blog makes me cool, right?

As if I don't have enough to do, now I have to blog about what I am doing to keep up with other people who are blogging about what they think I am doing.

For those people who don't know me, I am Darling Brody the eccentric (read: mad) content Creator who works inside SecondLife (

I am probably one of the few people in SL who are not constantly having pixel sex, mostly because I have blown myself up so many times my pixels have all fallen off. Anyone who sees them, please send them to me.

So what do I do with my time?

  • Attempt to attend classes and learn something at University
  • Experimenting with prims and scripts to try and find interesting and useful effects
  • Reporting bugs and requesting new features in the
  • Replying to customer questions via IM, PM, and EMail
  • Tracking down stolen content and getting it banned (thanks neil)
  • Scripting, documenting, and selling products inside SecondLife
  • Fixing broken scripted objects and sending out upgrades (thanks Linden Labs)
  • Answering the question "can I ask you a question"
  • And now, apparently, blogging about it all

What don't I do with my time?

  • Have a First Life
  • Grief people, despite the many IM's I get every day saying "stop griefing me"
  • Steal other people's scripts or ideas. (Everyone should profit from their ideas)
  • Violate my avatar with prims shaped like genitals
  • Harass other creators. (Theives do not count as creators)

Why do I have a blog?

  • To reply to some people who are blogging about me
  • Just in case I should think of something interesting and need to write it down!
  • ...because I want to be cool too!


  1. So wait... Does that mean you think I'm cool? The last thing I thought you'd see me as, is 'cool'. The fact that you created a blog a few hours after I officially announced mine suggests it. :P

    ~ Ariu

  2. No, she "stole the idea" from me, actually.


  3. Tracking down stolen content and getting it banned (thanks neil)
    ur welcom

  4. Steal other people's scripts or ideas. (Everyone should profit from their ideas)

  5. Get over yourself Ariu. I have been blogging for years on my customer forums already.

    You didn't invent the idea, although you probably slapped one of your acronyms on it, re-branded it, and claimed it as your idea, like all the stuff you have stolen from real SL creators.

    Before you deny that you rip off other people's ideas, explain why you keep such close tabs on what I am doing to have noticed this blog so quickly.

  6. Get over yourself Ariu. I have been blogging for years on my customer forums already.
    blog =/= forum

    Darling, still complaining to weapons creators. That didn't change lawl.


  7. Blog != Forum, they may operate in similar ways, but there's a reason they have different names.

    Also, I never said I invented the idea of blogging, having a blog, and nor did I create the software that I'm using on my blog, I use WordPress by the way (The theme I have doesn't say "Powered by WordPress" however). Besides, I've had a WordPress blog (on the WordPress servers) for my RL for about 4 years now. But still, I find it so funny and ironic that the day I announce my blog via my group, you create one and announce it via your group within a few hours.

    I keep an eye on you because you're always stirring up crap like your latest blog about how my HUD is a supposed counterfeit of yours. (By the way - read my latest blog)- Not because I feel like stealing your ideas, if I wanted to do that, I just have to read your advertising, no need to sniff around your group or blog.

    Oh, and I don't steal other scripters ideas. Things become standard technologies after a while. Like the first sim scanner, the first tracking (Follower) script, the first dialog based combat system, the first non-dialog based combat system, the first blitz prim, the first orbit, the first LSL based sim map... They were all "unique" ideas at first in SL (And were not originally created by you), and then were either stolen, and/or became standard. My HUD isn't any more "full of supposed stolen ideas" than yours is if you want to get serious about it.

    ~ Ariu

  8. Ariu : Blog != Forum, they may operate in similar ways, but there's a reason they have different names.

    Then why is one of my forums named 'Combat Blog'? ...because I have been blogging and encouraging others to blog on my forums for years? You were not the first Ariu. You always run around saying you did stuff first, and most of the time people let you get away with it because your not worth their time to google up a link to prove you wrong. On this occasion I know the link off by heart. Proof you were not the first >>>

    Ariu : (By the way - read my latest blog)

    I don’t want to read your blog. Nothing you have ever said or done has been informative, creative, or original.

    I'm sure your blog is full of you congratulating yourself on all the wonderful acronyms you have created to describe stuff that other people invented. Like your VNPV which is just a copy of my MoveLock, which lets people walk while still locked without releasing the lock. Creators look out! Here comes Ariu with an acronym ready to claim ownership of your ideas!

    SecondLife has the capacity to make just about everything imaginable, yet you have TWICE released a HUD that is a total rip-off of my design. You have no originality whatsoever. Don't even think of denying it or I will publish the chat log where you admitted to copybotting my Quantum HUD for the Alpha version of Phenom!

    Every other HUD maker in SL has managed to make their own original design, except you. You just make the feeble excuse that everyone copies as if that excuses your unethical behavior.

    All you do is make a cheap copy of a popular product, slap your brand on it, and then try to convince people that it is an original product. You are not a creator, you are a parasite on all creators.

    I am left with only one conclusion. You have no talent beyond that of a monkey. Monkey see, Monkey do.

    You should sell under the brand name of Banana!

  9. If you already had a "blog", then why did you create another one? As well as create it nearly right after I announced mine? You've copied things from me before, mostly non-HUD things, such as advertising, like how your SLX page is setup just like mine, and not to mention creating a blog, just like I did. - Honestly, I don't care if you copy my advertising, or copy what I do, like creating a blog. I just find it hilarious that you're doing exactly what you're claiming I'm doing, as you have done many times before.

    As for you saying nothing I have done is original, that's just a childish comment. You either have not even looked at the Chaos, or are just choosing to ignore the originals within it. Some original features in my HUD are ones such as Seize, VNPV, Anti-Evasion, Settings Markers, Phenomena, Auto-Reform and the Mimic attack. Those are just some, or the many unique features in my HUD.

    Most creators do not create completely unique and original ideas. Ranging from AO's, vehicle HUD's and all the way to Multi-Tool/Combat HUD's. Most combat HUD's operate in 1 of 4 ways.

    1) You click a target name prim button, you get a dialog of possible attacks/functions. In many HUDs such as V-Scan, BTI, Omicron, Death COM (I think), Cyclone, Phenom (Using MenuMode) and Mephisto.

    2) You click an attack prim button, you get a dialog of possible targets. Such as in many HUDs like Purgatory, X_HUD, Zero-Tolerance, Punisher, Inmortals, Giga and Omicron.

    3) You click a button/say something in chat, and you get a menu with attacks, click an attack, then you get a menu with targets. Such as in, Mysti-Tool, KillCOM, MDC, Re:MDC, SMCMS, PsiTech, X_HUD, Albion, Seraphim, Overlord and Dopestyle.

    4) You choose an attack from a button list, then an agent from a button list, such as in Phenom, QHUD, Tools Gadgets & Beyond and Ascendancy.

    They all have similar operating techniques, but most look different and have different features. Now don't try and tell me that everyone in SL but me creates something completely original and unique every single time.

    Oh, and my VNPV isn't a copy of your movelock. First of all, mine actually works (And it isn't a Movelock in the first place), and operates just like an NPV would, hence the name, VNPV = Virtual Non-Physical Vehicle. - As for your Movelock, it doesn't work, as far as being able to move that is. I've been able to push people with your movelock on and walking with it just as easily as with it off, unlike with my VNPV.

    I never "Admitted to CB'ing your design", first of all because I never CB'd it, and you can find that our yourself by inspecting the Phenom BETA HUD that you somehow managed to get your hands on after it was discontinued. You'll notice the creation dates range from July to September, not within seconds, like CopyBot'd objects are.

    Also, there was never a Phenom Alpha, there was only BETA, Theory, Chaos Theory and Chaos. Alpha may of been a term used to refer to the very first Phenom proto-type, which was not a HUD, and looked nothing like anything you ever made.

    PS: Stop trying to ridicule me for using acronyms. After all, your HUD is shot full of them.

  10. Ariu, stop trying to rewrite history. Your the one who copies my products, advertising, and even my april fools joke's in your notices.

    I must admit i didnt bother reading past the first few sentances of your last post. I am sure you just ranted on about how you did everything first. So let me reply with this simple answer.

    You didn't. You never have. and you never will.
