Saturday, November 14, 2009

Linden Labs plans hostile takeover of vending machines and rented Malls

Linden Labs have sent a survey around asking if people are interested in an official Linden Labs vending machine network.

Key Feature:
  • Free Land to build a shop
  • Automatic linking to xstreetsl
  • Special Advertising on xstreetsl
  • A HUGE commission on all sales going to Linden Labs
I feel sorry for people who have worked long and hard to develop vending machine networks, like HippoVend who will be put out of business when Linden Labs moves into their market.

Then there are the private estate owners who will not be able to rent any mall space when Linden Labs is giving away free land for shops.

Creators will be forced to use the Linden Vending Network because they can't afford to boycott and stay in business.

Linden Labs are very similar to Microsoft in that they provide the platform. Content creators are now in the same position as companies like Netscape when Microsoft decided to expand their operating system to include popular applications like Internet Explorer. And we all remember what happened to Netscape when Microsoft did that!

Meanwhile the permission exploits that are putting content creators out of business by turning their products into freebies goes unfixed!

M Linden should be fired. Phillip Linden should return to control of the Lab before it crashes into an ice berg and sinks.

PS. I know it is very unusual for me to say bad things about LL, however this issue has enraged me. LL are looking at taking over the business of other residents to make some extra cash while creators are going to the wall due to permissions exploits!