Saturday, November 21, 2009

Call me a Griefer, one more time....

Would you file an abuse report against Eric Linden because someone placed one of the trees he made in an anoying spot? ...of course not! Then why is it that some people seem unable to apply that logic to weapons?

Mr II3ossHogg Blackheart who is a founder of a SL Marfia group is one such person who feels it is right to harass a creater when someone else is using the creator's product against them. I thought the marfia was made of tuffer stuff!

[23:31] II3ossHogg Blackheart: i can not get out of my house unless i want to get griefed to HELL with your HUD... i will be reporting you from here on out as i am sick and tired of being griefed over and over and over and over by that stupid griefer you made.

To me it seems like this guy started a marfia, and then got upset when other people were better at fighting. So he yells at me!

The conversation continues.

[0:15] Darling Brody: do you report Eric Linden when a neighbour places a tree on the parcel border so it encroches on your land too?
[0:35] II3ossHogg Blackheart: being engulfed for hours in a big mac, and a slurpie, and water, over and over and over and over and over... is a little different than a "tree in the yard"... you must be as stupid as your attacks are.

Yep! this guy is just pissy that he is losing the fight and decided to harass the creator. If I knew where this rude little man was on the grid right now I send him fries to go with the burgars!

...and he continues to rant at me... even as I type this blog post...

[0:35] Darling Brody: i'm not the owner. i am the creater. i dont even know where you are.
[0:36] II3ossHogg Blackheart: creator, owner, I dont know, and I dont care,,, you make stupid crap that people are targeting me with

Ironicly this guy owns a QHUD too. I'm guessing he has never read the instructions, otherwise he would not be complaining, he would be fighting back and winning!

[0:48] II3ossHogg Blackheart: my IM was a notice to you that I will not allow this.... unless you can control your customers, then i will report you with every episode... that is the bottom line.

I'm on notice now... oh no! Everyone stop feeding him hamburgars, he is getting too fat!

[0:52] II3ossHogg Blackheart: i have a list of people and all using your HUD, I can only assume it was noticed to do this.

Here we go! Now he thinks I have sent out a group notice telling people to attack him. Some people always miss the most obvious reasons why they get attacked. He needs to consider that people are attacking him because he is a jerk!

[0:59] Darling Brody: do you understand that i am not the one attacking you, and that i didnt tell anyone to attack you? Do you understand that yelling at me will not solve your problem?
[0:59] II3ossHogg Blackheart: you got a real attitude problem.

Oh yes, I am bad to the wireframe (SL version of boan)

[1:15] Darling Brody: and after a hour of talking, you still have not told me who attacked you. so even if i wanted to help, i couldnt!
[1:16] II3ossHogg Blackheart: im done talking, you should really see the screen shots sent to LL and knwo what you are talking about before you encourage people to grief, and make a nasty opinion of me. I have RL "big money" and just find you comical and clown just as your creations and sense of self-esteem must be....

OMG. I'm in trouble now! He has real life money. Too bad he hasnt spent some of it on improving his mental health problems.


II3ossHogg Blackhear (and his alt Blueberi Melody) have been posting abuse under the QHUD forum on xstreetsl too. Makign 3 long whinded whinging posts.

I tried to explain to him that I own regions and make all my RL money inside SL.  Obviously I am not going to risk losing all that to grief him.  Sadly he was unable to understand that any better than he could understand that the creator is not the owner.


  1. EXCUSE ME?? You edited the entire conversation. You know that is actually against the law? you can not legally post snippits of conversations and make them appear to be his reponse to what you are commenting on. If you will allow the entire conversation to be shown, i think poeple can be made a little more aware of your "combat" styles, your opinions of your customers, and what YOU said of your customers being "NOBODYS" and they they have given you "BIG BUCKS". if anyone cares to know what really went on then please contact Blueberi Melody and you you can see how ugly this BLOGGER is, and the sweet lil way she editied this conversation. AND PS "darling" , in case you didn't hear the first time, editing this to make these partial quotes appear to be his reaction to your commentary is ILLEGAL. So... with your BIG MONEY you made off of "SL NOBODYS", hire you a lawyer so he can tell you that you can not do this.

  2. You ranted at me for almost 2 hours. Of course I edited the conversation down to the core issues:-

    1) You think your marfia tuff.
    2) You got owned by someone using QHUD.
    3) You ranted at the creator of QHUD instead of the owner because you are ignorant of the different.

    I tried to explain to you that I would never grief you because I have too much money to lose, due to the size of my SL business. You didnt understand that and started ranting about how rich you are in RL.

    And yes, I did refer to a QHUD customer as a nobody, but that customer was YOU! I said somthing like "you are nobody to me so I will not risk my income by sending customers after you. They are only customers, not a private army!"

    If you really want me to I can publish the complete chat log, but your not going to come out of it looking anymore intelegent than you do now.

    So about those burgars that keep flying after you, would you like fries with that?

  3. Hey Boss.

    Let's assume for a minute that you are able to create a firearm IRL to hunt deer in your backyard.

    You perfect it and eventually sell it to other hunters in order to make a few bucks.

    Some guy buys your firearm and shoots a police officer in the face.

    Is it your fault that the guy shot the cop? No.

    Darling made QHUD, but she didn't shoot you. Stop crying about it.

  4. I explained all that to him. He didnt want to hear it.

    In fact it seemed to lead to his next theory that I had organised a group of people to lock him in burgars all day long.

    The obvious mistake in that logic is I would have used BULLY because the song is perfect for him. Sing "you are an idiot..."

  5. Just looked at this marfia crybaby's RL profile photo and I am sure it was lifted from a gay dating website somwhere.

    I'm not picking on gay people, I am only laughing at him for googling a photo to make himself look tuff.

  6. I seem to keep getting messages of this so i guess i should post a comment. I am not "ANON" in first comment, yet it is a RL friend of mine. You are very foolish to continue to post this and it is not legal as you have been warned above. You must be an invincible probably overweight college drop-out who made a little comouter program add-on, and now how tons of virtual respect along side your bag of chips you are munching on right now. Well, You spoke VERY ugly of YOUR customers, and anyone who saw this conversation and then suppoted you would have to be a very low-self worth, and I find it only childish to hear your terms used and your poor proper use of grammar.
    My photos can be laughed at but they are as real as they get and your lack of respect towards me and all of the "SL NOBODIES WHO BOUGHT Q-HUD" will hopefully see this childishness. I have never been "OWNED" by anyone and your call to "ENCOURAGE THE GRIEFING" is about stupid as stupid can be. I am far from gay and do not appreciate your lies, slander, and public defamation of me. If you need an updated photo to check the "gay" "geek" on this end, then check out the new pic i pulled from the gay website. There are tons more. You and your grifers are what make people leave SL. And if LL really had the best interests ((meaning money for them, and people not quitting casue of your childish tactics and griefing encouragement to me or my affiliates)) in mind, and not "MAKING YOU BIG MONEY OFF OF SL NOBODIES" as you so nicely put it in our conversation, then they would remove you and this silly public slander. You will hear about this further as you continue to push, lie, and toss your weight around. You are a REAL NOBODY, and though we would never resort to editing your words and posting lies about you in a public blog, We will take an action that we promise will make you rethink your foolishness.

  7. @ The arm of ARONS

    Quote : "I am not "ANON" in first comment"

    As everyone can see, the login details for ARON and ARON are identical, as is the content and style of the posts.

    Quote : "MAKING YOU BIG MONEY OFF OF SL NOBODIES as you so nicely put it in our conversation"
    ... two sentences later...
    "we would never resort to editing your words and posting lies about you in a public blog"

    You just totally INVENTED a quote, and then two sentences later said you wouldn’t do that kind of thing.
    It wasn't even a believable fake quote! Logically Noobies don’t have the kind of money required to buy QHUD. If your going to make up a quote, at least make it believable!

    Quote : "We will take an action that we promise will make you rethink your foolishness."

    Gotta lover the last sentence of ARON's last post. He used the Marfia "we" when making a threat. I guess I will have to keep looking over my shoulder for an army of Araons now.

    My position:-

    In a society that embraces free speech there is nothing illegal about speaking the truth. If you are embarrassed by seeing your bad behavior published, you should alter your behavior so you are no longer embarrassed.

    Insulting and threatening me will not alter the simple facts of what happened.

    1) You got owned by someone who was using QHUD.
    2) You directed your anger at me instead of the person who attached you.
    3) You said that you don't care that you were abusing the wrong person.

  8. @anon

    Seriously dude, I see only one reason you take a pop at the best weapons HUD creator in SL and that is to raise awareness of your own.

    It is common tactics for crappy products to insult the best to gain awareness. For all we know you could have just made the biggest freebie distribution system going. But of course, you will shout about how it is the best.

    Pah, when you stop insulting and start selling maybe people will look. Until then you are just another mafia fantasist!
