Monday, March 8, 2010

QHUD vs Phenom Memory Usage

After years of listening to Ariu claim that Phenom is scripted better than QHUD we finally see the truth!

That is a total of 10.7 Meg for Phenom which needs the Core and HUD to operate. 
Compaire that to only 1.2 Meg for the QHUD. ( Note that QHUD renames itself to Quantum Core when you wear it.  QHUD contains the HUD and all the functions in one low memory attachment. )

Phenom entered the market with a big list of claims that turned out to be lies.  Ariu said it would have better scripting, and even claimed to have invented half the stuff that was already in the Quantum Core!

In reality we see that Ariu's HUD uses HUGE amounts of memory very inefficiantly, and still manages to suffer from stack heap collisions as it runs out of memory!  ( We wont mention that Phenom continuesly replaces its own scripts as they crash from constnant memory overflow errors.  )

In a nut shell, Ariu has been caught lying about phenom again.  Phenom uses 10 times more memory than the efficiantly scripted QHUD! 

Like I always say,  Quantum Design vs Phenom Copy.


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  7. Ariu stop posting abuseive crap to my blog. Go play in your own blog.

  8. Ok, so I played in my blog:

    PS: You're the abuser here (Spreading lies about me and my products), I've only been defending myself.

  9. A screen shot dosn't lie.

  10. Screen shots can lie, Photoshop is a good tool for faking/modifying screen shots.

    Chances are, the "Phenom" in this screen shot is a fake. Anyone can make a box, put a bunch of scripts in it, rename it to "Phenom Core" and "Phenom HUD" and wear it. Then open the 'Script info' window (In Edit Appearance mode on Viewer 2.0 at the BETA Grid) and take a screen shot of it and call it the 'real' Phenom.

    Also... I don't think I ever released a Phenom that attaches to the left pec or has a HUD without the version number, they all attach to the right pec and have version numbers on the HUD.

    PS: You can see the real Phenom memory usage in my blog:

  11. slower compared to qhud. I went back to qhud wich seems much smoother and looks like a real user interface. phenom is harder to use.. design ugly and I don't see anything better than qhud on it. As you said.. your phenom takes more memory than the qhud itself, why don't you simply admit it instead of making drama here ?

  12. Wow Ariu, You sure put a lot of time into thinking about how to fake the figures, or did you already know how to do it from personal experience?

    Unlike you who has used deception for years to sell your junk, I never lie or cheat. That is why you are still in SL. If I was as dishonest as you, I would have used your dirty tricks to get you banned by now.

    You and your copyright violating product only exist through my refusal to lower myself to your level.

    Now go play in your own blog. Your not welcome here.

  13. Darling, i'm not the liar or the deceiver here. You are, you're constantly trying to frame me (Which is deceiving people BTW) with your own corrupt habits and behavior.

    I can point out one obvious lie right here in this very blog post that anyone with Emerald can find. "Darling Brody: Phenom uses 10 times more memory than the efficiantly scripted QHUD!". - Right now, anyone with Emerald and the Phenom can edit their HUD and click "S. Count" on the "More>" menu. It will report how many scripts the object has. If they're on the latest released version, it'll be 71 scripts. 71 X 64 = 4544, or 4.5mb, not anywhere near that which you claimed it uses.

    Lying that you never lie is also a pretty bold move to make, provided not to long ago I caught you in a flat out lie. ( )

    One last thing... When Server 1.38 rolls out to the live grid, everyone who read this blog and owns a Phenom or owns land can see for themselves how much of a liar you are. The Phenom doesn't use 10mb, the up coming version uses 5 times less than that, and the current version uses a little over a half of that.

  14. I went onto the beta grid where server 1.38 is already loaded and used viewer 2.0 to get the real memory values. I am not estimating values based on counting scripts like you are. I got the values that Linden Labs will be using!

    If you post again to my blog I will delete it.

    Go away ariu

  15. god darling your such a kid ....
    To funny really.


  16. Come on Darling stop lying to everyone around here and yourself. I used own a Qhud but I got rid of it. I refuse to support a creator who cannot pull the wool from her eyes. I'm disgusted by you. Your like a ten year old troll.
